drinks Mentoring Program Holds Signature Strengths Session

drinks Mentoring Program Holds Signature Strengths Session

The drinks association's 2017 Mentoring Program, in partnership with Women in drinks and Serendis, held a workshop this week designed to help mentors and mentees identify their signature strengths.

Almost 50 participants, some of whom travelled from New Zealand and Melbourne, attended the session at Sydney’s Luna Park, where they were introduced to the framework to use during their mentoring sessions.

Included in the presentation was video footage of a speech Apple CEO Steve Jobs gave to Stanford University graduates in 2005. The speech’s theme resonates with just about everyone who seeks meaning in their lives and their career: do what you love.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it,” Jobs said.

Women in drinks councillor Nicole Stanners noted to the assembled group how much she identifies with Jobs' speech, as she has always followed her heart in her career and done what she enjoys.

“I find my current role at Campari very fulfilling. It’s an entrepreneurial business and I love innovation,” she said.

After identifying their key strengths, the attendees discussed how to leverage those strengths to address current challenges, projects and goals.

Mentees also focussed on looking at those strengths, core values and passions to start considering what impact they want to have in the corporate world.

Mentees will meet again in August for a workshop designed to help build their personal resilience, while mentors will take part in a separate workshop about shifting the conversation from tactical to strategic.

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